Why is it good to know where you are heading before you start?

Monday February 28th, 2022



You have brought your physical store on a well-known online platform, saving by choosing this solution instead of making a custom one. Congratulations! The decision was certainly wise for that moment.
But simply registering the products and uploading a few pictures is not enough to complete the picture of a convincing store for potential prospects, and of one WORTH to be taken into account the increasingly demanding algorithms of Google.
What you have right now is just the skeleton of what needs to become. The relevant contents (muscles) are to be applied to this skeleton. The content is made taking into account the rigours of SEO (which integrates both the circulatory system and the aesthetic part of the entire construction).
It connects all the other components (Google Analytics, Console, etc.) giving the new body a complex nervous system, without which it cannot become functional.
Once the process is complete, we get the pleasant and attractive look that we need to have, if we want the new store to sell.
Then comes the promotional part, because no matter how attractive a product is, it is not salable, if it is not known.
So, in the decision to sell online, our first recommendation is to study the phenomenon step by step and in detail, putting on paper each stage of the project.
Only then will you be able to build a well-founded realistic project.

Can’t do it on your own?

No problem. Through our consulting services, we will help you turn your intention into a project.
You can then decide to implement the project in any form of collaboration, but you will be guaranteed realistic expectations in terms of compliance with the project.

Post by florin

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