Web maintenance

HomeWeb maintenance

Less than 3% of WL customers who contracted web maintenance services had problems involving the use of security solutions (backups), says the internal statistics of Web Logistics. And for these customers, the identification and solution of the problem, along with the restoration of the website, were done quickly, as soon as possible from the notification received from the customer.

In this case, what is the usefulness of the service if the problems occur so rarely? potential beneficiaries sometimes ask themselves the question. Well, the correct answer, we say, is precisely in question. The maintenance services provided by the Web Logistics team guarantee that the technical problems will be almost non-existent. In addition, you will have access to the large group of 97% of customers who enjoy perfectly functional and secure websites, PERMANENTLY.


Every time they search on the usual engines, 50% of users discover a new company, a new product or service. This “first impression” can bring you to the site a second time or can quickly take them away forever. It is clear for any business with a well-defined digital identity, that maintaining the site at the highest degree of functionality and always updated, is a priority.

The composition of WordPress websites includes elements such as the platform itself, themes and plugins. And these elements are constantly evolving, as is the entire technological field. Therefore, regular updates and optimizations are required.

If the permanent professional administration of the website, helps to obtain a maximum return on investment, the lack of this optimal administration, can bring major disadvantages, turning into a threat to the reputation and your business itself.

As a long-runpartner, Web Logistics will provide your company with a CUSTOM website maintenance plan, helping you to provide users with a fast, safe and enjoyable online experience. Moreover, don’t forget the benefits that combining of the maintenance package with the SEO optimization package will bring you in terms of costs and efficiency.

The experience of our team – gained in working with hundreds of customers and the results obtained with them recommend us in providing maintenance services for presentation sites, news and e-commerce solutions (focusing especially on WordPress and OpenCart).

For example, the optimal operation of e-commerce solutions requires frequent interventions on the content of the content, while the websites of public institutions or various organizations can be challenging in terms of security issues. Another particular case is that of the administration of news sites, the specificity of which requires daily interventions. But, fortunately, we have experience in this situation as well.

Depending on the type of contract, maintenance services can be provided on schedule, as needed or with response and settlement within a maximum of 12/24 hours.

The solutions we propose will certainly differ, depending on the specifics of each case, but we invite you to find below a complete list of maintenance services that we can provide:

– manual backups and their restoration, but also automatic restoration;

– updating CMS platforms and plugins used (WordPress and OpenCart);

– database optimization;

– online and offline deviruses;

– securing platforms and modules using specific techniques;

– updating and developing web content;

– platform optimizations in order to obtain the best SEO scoring (including the security part).

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