Online marketing

HomeOnline marketing

Now, in our vision, the Online Marketing team must become an extension of its own marketing team in order for the success of such approaches to be guaranteed. And the Marketing strategy requires an integrated approach, thinking, from the beginning, as complementary to the efforts of SEO content marketing, PPC, CRO, Social Media Marketing and PR.

Social Media Management

Once finalized the way you want to present the brand, business objectives, but also marketing, we will determine which are the most appropriate social channels for your brand, depending on the target market segment, B2B or B2C.

Then, we will use the selected social channels to build step by step a community around your brand. The fact that trust is hard to gain and easy to lose is already proverbial, which is why we recommend building a sustainable reputation flawlessly, right from the start. The costs in financial and image terms are unquestionably lower than those involved in remedying possible slippage.

In Social Media Marketing there is no recipe for guaranteed success, as the audiences we address are influenced by countless factors that can not be fully known, and the content and information provided to these audiences, involves ongoing research and optimization. But our results show that it is worth the effort.

The creative content will always be based on the rules of copywriting, but being adapted to the brand vision that we respect. Starting from the team’s experience in the industrial, international B2B trade and in the trade of national and local B2C services and products, we will create relevant content for you, according to the target audience, traditional or on the contrary surprising.


The principle on which advertising works in the digital environment is that of directing advertising efforts to the targeted people, based on demographic data and their interests. This gives a maximum return on profit for every penny invested, as there is a good chance that those users will be part of the target market of your business, if the audience is selected correctly.

For this reason, sometimes we recommend that you pay per impression, and other times, depending on the goal of your campaign, we suggest optimizing your ad for maximum clicks.

We will team up with you so that the PPC strategy gives you the best return on investment, ensuring that your ad runs on the right social channels and is only displayed to the right audience.


Infographics are actually summarized in graphic format. They provide users with information about a specific topic using a vertical image, which takes only a few minutes to read.

Infographics have the great advantage of making information easy to digest by using images composed of graphs, diagrams, statistics and funny elements. Beyond this aspect, infographics have a high degree of viralization, and this can only make you happy if you have the company name and site address marked accordingly.

Using our graphic design skills we will create an infographic relevant to your niche, and then we will distribute it to different social channels.

Digital PR

Digital PR is the same as “normal” PR, but with an emphasis on link building, starting from generating news about your business while building a real backlink. All while watching closely and fighting competition.

As a bonus, healthy backlinks increase your ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). This gives your brand more exposure when people search for keywords related to your niche.

We can create a digital PR campaign for you, establishing where your target audience spends time online. Then we can integrate you into those communities so that you can be tagged and generate more visits to your site, increasing your brand awareness online.

You will really earn more than you expected, because you invest in digitizing your image and instead get the optimization of your online and offline business reputation.

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