Always take care of your website, because it works day and night for you!

Thursday July 15th, 2021



Always take care of your website, because it works day and night for you!

Congratulations! If you read this article, most likely, you are the owner of a website that at the beginning was ideal for your business. You just didn’t spend a lot of time with the web designer and developer looking for the perfect solutions from your point of view. In case the solutions were perfect only in your opinion, then the website is ideal only for you. As your business is aimed at the public, we hope you have listened to the advice of the right paid specialists to make an ideal website for your business, not only for you.

But, we are optimistic and assume that you have the ideal website at the time of launch

You’ve gone through the entire process of designing, developing, testing, adding content, deleting content, updating your brand, but you’re not done yet.

No matter how sure you think this is, your site is never finished!

For you are wondering WHY? Because there are constant updates, viruses, leaks; the internet is always changing and to be aware of these changes, your website must be constantly in tandem with it.

This does NOT mean that you have to change the look and content and everything you have built with so much work. It just means that your website is an evolving, functional and ever-changing entity. This entity needs regular checks and updates to run smoothly. It is crucial to have the best web maintenance for your website.

A website is generally the first point of interaction that people have with your business. Whether it’s an e-commerce site or a portfolio blog – if your site still “lives” in the early 2000s and doesn’t show a change over time, you’ll end up losing customers.

Website maintenance is important for any business, regardless of size !!!

Your site is the online business card of your business

… Globally, and can have a big impact on how the value of your product or service is perceived. A well-maintained website is essential. All businesses need regular website maintenance to attract and retain customers, to stay in search engine rankings, and to present new information, products, and services to the public. Site maintenance is also necessary to maintain the value of the website over time.

Customer interest

A well-maintained website attracts new customers and maintains the level of interest of existing customers. Your website should be customer-centric and relevant, by routinely refreshing the content and ensuring that customer contact points are in good working order. Regularly check that contact forms work, addresses and phone numbers are updated, and products, services, and price lists are current and accurate.

Search engines

Website maintenance is essential for search engine rankings. Websites with old content are ranked much lower in search engine listings. Some search engines, including Google, check the HTTP header “if changed” on your page to determine if it’s worth accessing. If you do not make frequent changes, you will be pushed below the active competitors in the list and this will be reflected in losses for your business over time.

Google and other search engines rank a site if it sees constant activity on it and new content. If you want to stay relevant, this is the key to doing so.

The image of the company

Your website is a public reflection of the image of your business. A poorly maintained website with lots of errors, broken links, dead pages and outdated information projects a careless company image and can cause your business to shrink over time.

If your site seems neglected, your users and new potential users will think that’s how you run your business !!!!

Review the look of your website often and update it to match your company’s image. Check for and repair broken links, poor grammar and spelling mistakes as quickly as possible – preferably before a customer brings them to attention.


The maintenance activities of your website must cover certain areas that are essential for business. These include copying, quality control, publishing, feedback monitoring, performance monitoring, infrastructure maintenance, routine maintenance, change control and risk control. To manage risk, you need to have a business continuity plan for your site and make sure that your hosting service provider has a backup and maintenance plan that is in line with your own business service levels, especially if you have a real-time website or that is vital to your business.

Don’t push away your visitors!

We live in a fast and competitive world. No matter how beautiful your website is, if it takes too long to load, potential customers will be distracted and move on to the next site. Do you know what’s worse? From now on, your website has been labeled in the minds of those prospects as that “slow site”. They will not visit him again and will probably discourage people close to him from doing so. As a result, it’s important to perform monthly checks to determine how fast the website loads.

If you’ve ever clicked on a link to a promotional offer only to find out it’s expired, then you know how disappointing it can be. Disappointment is not a feeling that you want customers to associate with your website.

Post new and relevant content on a recurring basis

Websites that have a section dedicated to blog posts and articles receive more visitors than websites that do not. But the mere existence of the blog section only guarantees more visitors. This does not necessarily translate into sales. To ensure that potential customers visits turn into sales, publish interesting articles on a regular basis. Make sure you cover trends in your niche business and promote your services and products in your posts. By doing so, you not only get more visitors, but attract their involvement through quality posts. In a relatively short time, they will return to buy your goods or services.

In conclusion, a good web design without regular site maintenance is a useless investment!

The success of your business depends on how well you present it in the world, and broken links, expired promos, outdated articles, slow browsing speed and invalid contact forms do not inspire trust.

Your site works day and night to grow your business. But in order to remain effective, it must be maintained. This can be a daunting task that is easy to forget and overlook.

Contact us today and improve your visitors browsing experience! This will optimize your sales!

Post by florin

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